
Android builds requires a lot of preparation steps which include:

  • Android build target installation
  • cargo-apk installation
  • Android Studio
  • Android SDK installation (at least API level 26)
  • NDK installation
  • CMake installation
  • JRE installation

Install cargo-apk first:

cargo install cargo-apk

Install Android build target, for example armv7-linux-androideabi:

rustup target add armv7-linux-androideabi

You should install appropriate target for your target device (or emulator), it could also be x86_64-linux-android.

Install Android Studio first. Then install NDK by following these instructions.

Setup environment variables, you need to set two of them to correct paths: ANDROID_HOME and ANDROID_NDK_ROOT. Follow these instructions

Install Java Runtime Environment from here and add bin folder of it to your PATH variable. On Windows it could be C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8\bin.

Now you can build your game by running the following command from executor-android folder:

cargo-apk apk build --target=armv7-linux-androideabi


Android builds are not yet automated, because of lots of preparation steps.