Graphics Context

Graphics context stores the main application window and the renderer. Graphics context could not exist at all, this is so called "headless" mode which could be useful for dedicated servers.


Graphics context is created and destroyed automatically when the engine receives Resumed and Suspended events. Usually, Suspended event is sent only on platforms that supports suspension, such as Android. Suspension happens when you switch to another application on your smartphone. Other supported platforms do not support suspension, so this event is not sent on them.

Keep in mind, that when the engine is just initialized there's no graphics context at all, so you can't access it (for example, to change the window title). Instead, you have to use Plugin::on_graphics_context_initialized method to do this, or check if the graphics context is alive in the game loop and do required actions.

Interaction with Plugins

There's very clear interaction between plugins and graphics context. There are two plugin methods that will be called when the graphics context is either created or destroyed - on_graphics_context_initialized and on_graphics_context_destroyed:

fn main() {
#[derive(Visit, Reflect, Debug)]
struct Game {}

impl Plugin for Game {
    fn on_graphics_context_initialized(&mut self, context: PluginContext) {
        // At this stage it is safe to call `as_initialized_mut`, because graphics context is guaranteed
        // to be alive when this method is being called.
        let graphics_context = context.graphics_context.as_initialized_mut();

        graphics_context.window.set_title("My Cool Game");

    fn on_graphics_context_destroyed(&mut self, context: PluginContext) {
        println!("Graphics context was destroyed.")

You can also do a checked borrow of the graphics context at any place in a plugin. For example, the following code tries to fetch current graphics context, and if it succeeds, then it prints current FPS in the window title:

fn main() {
    fn update(&mut self, context: &mut PluginContext) {
        if let GraphicsContext::Initialized(graphics_context) = context.graphics_context {
                "FPS: {}",


See the next chapter to learn more how to interact with the main application window.