- 1. About the Book
- 2. Introduction
- 2.1. Introduction to Fyrox
- 2.2. System Requirements and Supported Platforms
- 2.3. Basic concepts
- 2.4. Design Philosophy and Goals
- 2.5. Frequently Asked Questions
- 3. Getting started
- 3.1. Editor, Plugins and Scripts
- 3.2. Project Manager
- 3.3. Hot Reloading
- 3.4. Editor Overview
- 3.5. Scene and Scene Graph
- 3.6. Assets
- 3.7. Data Management
- 3.8. Borrow Checker
- 4. Scripting
- 4.1. Plugins
- 4.2. Executor
- 4.3. Scripts
- 4.4. Tasks
- 5. Scene
- 5.1. Graph
- 5.2. Transformation
- 5.3. Prefabs
- 5.4. Property Inheritance
- 5.5. Base Node
- 5.6. Mesh Node
- 5.7. Light Node
- 5.8. Sprite Node
- 5.9. Particle System Node
- 5.10. Terrain Node
- 5.11. Camera Node
- 5.12. Decal Node
- 5.13. Rectangle Node
- 5.14. Tile Map
- 5.15. Custom Node
- 5.16. Physics
- 5.16.1. Rigid Body
- 5.16.2. Collider
- 5.16.3. Joint
- 5.16.4. Ray Casting
- 5.16.5. Ragdoll
- 5.17. Sound
- 5.17.1. Audio Bus
- 5.17.2. Sound Node
- 5.17.3. HRTF
- 5.18. Animation
- 5.18.1. Animation Editor
- 5.18.2. Animation Blending
- 5.18.3. ABSM Editor
- 5.18.4. Signals
- 5.18.5. Root Motion
- 5.18.6. Sprite Animation
- 5.19. Debugging
- 6. Input Handling
- 6.1. Keyboard
- 6.2. Mouse
- 6.3. Raw Text Input (WIP)
- 7. Artificial Intelligence (WIP)
- 7.1. Behaviour Trees (WIP)
- 7.2. Path Finding
- 7.3. Navigational Meshes
- 8. Rendering
- 8.1. Shaders
- 8.2. Materials
- 8.3. Light Maps
- 8.4. Settings
- 8.5. Render Pass
- 8.6. Normal Maps
- 9. Resource Management
- 9.1. Models
- 9.2. Textures
- 9.3. Sound Buffers
- 9.4. Curves (WIP)
- 9.5. Custom Resource
- 9.6. Asset Hot Reloading
- 9.7. Events
- 10. Engine
- 10.1. Graphics Context
- 10.2. Window Management
- 10.3. Manual Initialization
- 11. User Interface
- 11.1. Basic concepts
- 11.2. Editor
- 11.3. Rendering
- 11.4. Fonts
- 11.5. Style
- 11.6. Widgets
- 11.6.1. Custom widget
- 11.6.2. Button
- 11.6.3. Border
- 11.6.4. Canvas
- 11.6.5. Check box
- 11.6.6. Curve editor (WIP)
- 11.6.7. Decorator
- 11.6.8. Docking manager (WIP)
- 11.6.9. Dropdown list (WIP)
- 11.6.10. Expander
- 11.6.11. File browser (WIP)
- 11.6.12. Grid
- 11.6.13. Image
- 11.6.14. Inspector (WIP)
- 11.6.15. List view (WIP)
- 11.6.16. Menu (WIP)
- 11.6.17. Message box (WIP)
- 11.6.18. Numeric field
- 11.6.19. Popup (WIP)
- 11.6.20. Progress bar (WIP)
- 11.6.21. Range (WIP)
- 11.6.22. Rect (WIP)
- 11.6.23. Scroll bar
- 11.6.24. Scroll panel
- 11.6.25. Scroll viewer
- 11.6.26. Screen
- 11.6.27. Stack panel
- 11.6.28. Tab control
- 11.6.29. Text
- 11.6.30. Text box
- 11.6.31. Tree (WIP)
- 11.6.32. Vector image
- 11.6.33. Window
- 11.6.34. Wrap panel
- 12. Serialization
- 12.1. Saved Games
- 13. Editor
- 13.1. Property Editors
- 13.2. Settings
- 13.3. Plugins
- 14. Miscellaneous
- 14.1. Log
- 15. Shipping
- 15.1. PC
- 15.2. WebAssembly
- 15.3. Android
- 16. Tutorials
- 16.1. 2D Platformer Tutorial
- 16.1.1. Character Controller
- 16.1.2. Bots and AI
- 16.2. RPG Tutorial
- 16.2.1. Character Controller
- 16.3. FPS Tutorial
- 16.3.1. Character Controller
- 16.3.2. Weapons
- 16.3.3. Bots and AI
- 16.4. User Interface Tutorial (WIP)
- 16.5. Community Tutorials
- 17. Performance