Basic concepts

Let's briefly get over some basic concepts of the engine, there's not much, but all of them are crucial to understand design decisions made in the engine.

Classic OOP

The engine uses somewhat classic OOP with composition over inheritance - complex objects in the engine can be constructed using simpler objects.


In Fyrox, you break down your game in a set of reusable scenes. Pretty much anything can be a scene: a player, a weapon, a bot, level parts, etc. Scenes can be nested one into another, this helps you to break down complex scenes into reusable parts. A Scene in Fyrox also plays the role of a prefab, there's pretty much no difference between them.

Nodes and Scene Graph

A scene is made of one or more nodes (every scene must have at least one root node, to which everything else is attached). A scene node contains specific set of properties as well as one optional script instance which is responsible for custom game logic.

The typical structure of a scene node can be represented by the following example. The base object for every scene node is a Base node, it contains a transform, a list of children, etc. A more complex node, that extends functionality of the Base node stores an instance of Base inside it, i.e. composition. For example, a Mesh node is a Base node plus some specific info (a list of surfaces, material, etc.). The "hierarchy" depth is unlimited e.g. a Light node in the engine is an enumeration of three possible types of light source: Directional, Point, and Spot. All three of these light sources all contain a BaseLight node, which in turn contains a Base node. Graphically it can be represented like so:

|__ Point Light Properties (radius, etc.)
   |__ Base Light Properties (color, etc.)
      |__ Base Node Properties (transform, children nodes, etc.)

As you can see, this forms the nice tree (graph) that shows what the object contains. This is a very natural way of describing scene nodes, it gives you the full power of building an object of any complexity.


Plugin is a container for "global" game data and logic, its main usage is to provide scripts with some data and to manage global game state.


Script - is a separate piece of data and logic, that can be attached to scene nodes. This is the primary (but not only) way of adding custom game logic.