Editor, Plugins and Scripts
Every Fyrox game is just a plugin for both the engine and the editor, this approach allows the game to run from the editor and enables editing of the game entities from within it. A game can define any number of scripts, which can be assigned to scene objects to run custom game logic on them. This chapter will cover how to install the engine with its platform-specific dependencies, how to use the plugins and scripting system, and how to run the editor.
Platform-specific Dependencies
Before starting to use the engine, make sure all required platform-specific development dependencies are installed. If using Windows or macOS, no additional dependencies are required other than the latest Rust installed with appropriate toolchain for your platform.
On Linux, Fyrox needs the following libraries for development: libxcb-shape0
, libxcb-xfixes0
, libxcb1
, libasound2
, libegl-mesa0
and the build-essential
package group.
For Debian based distros like Ubuntu, they can be installed like below:
sudo apt install libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxcb1-dev libxkbcommon-dev libasound2-dev libegl-mesa0 build-essential
For NixOS, add a file named flake.nix
to the root of your repository with the following contents, add it to the git index (e.g., with git add flake.nix
), and then run nix develop
to open a shell with all of the required dependencies.
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
rust-overlay = {
url = "github:oxalica/rust-overlay";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = {
overlays = [
(import rust-overlay)
systems = [
forAllSystems = f:
nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs systems
(system: f { pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system overlays; }; });
devShells = forAllSystems ({ pkgs }: with pkgs; {
default = mkShell rec {
buildInputs = [
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "${lib.makeLibraryPath buildInputs}";
Project Manager
Project manager is a part of the engine that allows you to manage multiple projects made with the engine all at once. It allows you to create a new project or import an existing one, run the project or edit it in the editor, upgrade the project to a selected version of the engine, and many more options.
Download the project manager for your OS and run it. Then click the +Create
button, select the path where you want the project to be located and click Create
. Select the new project
in the list and click Edit
button to run the editor.
Quick Start Using Console Commands
Run the following commands to start using the editor as quickly as possible.
cargo install fyrox-template
fyrox-template init --name fyrox_test --style 2d
cd fyrox_test
cargo run --package editor --release
Project Generator
⚠️ This section is mostly for console users and those who like building their software from source code. If you prefer to use Project Manager you can, it does the same as
but with the benefits of a GUI.
Fyrox plugins are written in Rust, this means that if the source code of the game changes you will need to recompile.
The architecture requires some boilerplate code. Fyrox offers a special tiny command line tool - fyrox-template
. This
helps generate all the boilerplate code with a single command. Install it by running the following command:
cargo install fyrox-template
Note for Linux: This installs it in $user/.cargo/bin
. If receiving errors about the fyrox-template
command not
being found, add this hidden cargo bin folder to the operating systems $PATH
environment variable.
Now, navigate to the desired project folder and run the following command:
fyrox-template init --name my_game --style 3d
Note that unlike cargo init
, this will create a new folder with the given name.
The tool accepts two arguments - a project name (--name
) and a style (--style
), which defines the contents of the default
scene. After initializing the project, go to game/src/lib.rs
- this is where the game logic is located, as you will
see, the fyrox-template
generates quite a bit of code for you. The code is decorated with comments explaining what each place is for. For
more info about each method, please refer to the docs.
Once the project is generated, two commands can be used to run your game in different modes:
cargo run --package editor --release
- launches the editor with your game attached. The editor allows you to run your game from it and edit its game entities. This is intended to be used only for development purposes.cargo run --package executor --release
- creates and runs the production binary of your game. This command generates executables which can be shipped (for example - to a store).
Navigate to your project's directory and run cargo run --package editor --release
, after a short while, you should see the
In the editor you can start building your game scene. Important note: your scene must have at least one camera, otherwise you won't see a thing. Read the next chapter to learn how to use the editor.
Using the Latest Engine Version
Due to the nature of software development, bugs will inevitably sneak into the major releases, due to this, it is recommended to always use the latest engine version from the repository on GitHub. This is most likely to have bugs fixed (you can also contribute by fixing any bugs you find or at least, by filing an issue).
has a special sub-command -upgrade
to quickly upgrade to a desired engine version. To upgrade to the latest version (nightly
) you should executefyrox-template upgrade --version nightly
command in your game's directory.
There are three main variants for --version
- uses latest nightly version of the engine from GitHub directly. This is the preferable version if you want to use the latest changes and bug fixes as they are released.latest
- uses latest stable version of the engine. This option also supports--local
key, that sets the path to the engine to../Fyrox/fyrox
and the editor to../Fyrox/editor
. Obviously, this path requires the engine to be located in the parent directory of your project. This option could be useful if you want to use a custom version of the engine (for example, if you're developing a patch for the engine).major.minor.patch
- uses a specific stable version from crates.io (0.30.0
for example).
The Engine version can also be updated manually. The first step is to install the latest fyrox-template
, this can be done
with a single cargo
cargo install fyrox-template --force --git https://github.com/FyroxEngine/Fyrox
This will ensure you're using the latest project/script template generator, which is very important; old versions of the template generator will most likely generate outdated code, which is no longer compatible with the engine.
To switch existing projects to the latest version of the engine, you will need to specify paths pointing to the remote repository
for the fyrox
and fyroxed_base
dependencies. All you need to do is to change paths to these dependencies in the
root Cargo.toml
version = { git = "https://github.com/FyroxEngine/Fyrox" }
default-features = false
version = { git = "https://github.com/FyroxEngine/Fyrox" }
Now your game will use the latest engine and editor, but beware - new commits may surface some API mis-matches. You can avoid
these by specifying a particular commit, just add rev = "desired_commit_hash"
to every dependency like so:
version = { git = "https://github.com/FyroxEngine/Fyrox", rev = "0195666b30562c1961a9808be38b5e5715da43af" }
default-features = false
version = { git = "https://github.com/FyroxEngine/Fyrox", rev = "0195666b30562c1961a9808be38b5e5715da43af" }
To bring a local git repository of the engine to the latest version, just call cargo update
at the root of the project's
workspace. This will pull the latest changes from the remote, unless there is no rev
Learn more about dependency paths on the official cargo
documentation, here.
Adding Game Logic
Any object-specific game logic should be added using scripts. A script is a "container" for data and code, that will be executed by the engine. Read the Scripts chapter to learn how to create, edit, and use scripts in your game.