To create a simple button with text you should do something like this:
fn main() {
fn create_button(ui: &mut UserInterface) -> Handle<UiNode> {
.with_text("Click me!")
.build(&mut ui.build_ctx())
How to create a button using custom dimensions (100x100) and custom text alignment (Vertical centered and Horizontal
right aligned):
fn main() {
fn create_button_custom(ui: &mut UserInterface) -> Handle<UiNode> {
.with_text("Click me!")
.build(&mut ui.build_ctx()),
.build(&mut ui.build_ctx())
More fancy-looking button with an image as a background could be created using this code snippet:
fn main() {
fn create_fancy_button(
ui: &mut UserInterface,
resource_manager: ResourceManager,
) -> Handle<UiNode> {
let ctx = &mut ui.build_ctx();
.with_text("Click me!")
When clicked, a button sends a ButtonMessage::Click
message, you can catch it in your code and do something
fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, Reflect, Visit)]
struct MyGame {
button: Handle<UiNode>,
impl Plugin for MyGame {
fn on_ui_message(&mut self, _context: &mut PluginContext, message: &UiMessage) {
if let Some(ButtonMessage::Click) = message.data() {
if message.destination() == self.button {
This example shows how to create a button that will close your game.
fn main() {
#[derive(Visit, Reflect, Debug)]
struct Game {
quit_button_handle: Handle<UiNode>,
fn create_quit_button(ui: &mut UserInterface) -> Handle<UiNode> {
.build(&mut ui.build_ctx()),
.build(&mut ui.build_ctx())
impl Game {
fn new(ctx: PluginContext) -> Self {
Self {
quit_button_handle: create_quit_button(ctx.user_interfaces.first_mut()),
impl Plugin for Game {
fn on_ui_message(&mut self, context: &mut PluginContext, message: &UiMessage) {
if let Some(ButtonMessage::Click) = message.data() {
if message.destination() == self.quit_button_handle {
if let Some(window_target) = context.window_target {