
Graph is a set of objects with hierarchical relationships between each object. It is one of the most important entities in the engine. Graph takes care of your scene objects and does all the hard work for you.

How to create

You don't need to create a graph manually, every scene has its own instance of the graph. It can be accessed pretty easily: scene_ref.graph

Adding nodes

There are two ways of adding nodes to the graph, either using node builders or manually by calling graph.add_node.

Using node builders

Every node in the engine has its respective builder which can be used to create an instance of the node. Using builders is a preferable way to create scene nodes. There are following node builders:

  1. BaseBuilder - creates an instance of base node. See Base node for more info.
  2. PivotBuilder - creates an instance of pivot node. See Base node for more info.
  3. CameraBuilder - creates an instance of camera node. See Camera node for more info.
  4. MeshBuilder - creates an instance of mesh node. See Mesh node for more info.
  5. LightBuilder - creates an instance of light node. See Light node for more info.
  6. SpriteBuilder - creates an instance of sprite node. See Sprite node for more info.
  7. ParticleSystemBuilder - creates an instance of particle system node. See Particle system node for more info.
  8. TerrainBuilder - creates an instance of terrain node. See Terrain node for more info.
  9. DecalBuilder - creates an instance of decal node. See Decal node for more info.
  10. RigidBody - creates an instance of rigid body node. See Rigid body for more info.
  11. Collider - creates an instance of collider node. See Collider for more info.
  12. Joint - creates an instance of joint node. See Joint for more info.
  13. Rectangle - creates an instance of 2D rectangle node. See Rectangle for more info.

Every builder, other than BaseBuilder, accepts BaseBuilder as a parameter in .new(..) method. Why so? Because every node (other than Base) is "derived" from Base via composition and the derived builder must know how to build Base node. While it may sound confusing, it is actually very useful and clear. Consider this example:

fn main() {
extern crate fyrox;
use fyrox::{
    core::{algebra::Vector3, pool::Handle},
        base::BaseBuilder, camera::CameraBuilder, node::Node, transform::TransformBuilder,

fn create_camera(scene: &mut Scene) -> Handle<Node> {
        // Here we passing a base builder. Note that, since we can build Base node separately
        // we can pass any custom values to it while building.
                .with_local_position(Vector3::new(2.0, 0.0, 3.0))
    // Here we just setting desired Camera properties.
    .build(&mut scene.graph)

As you can see, we're creating an instance of BaseBuilder and fill it with desired properties as well as filling the CameraBuilder's instance properties. This is a very flexible mechanism, allowing you to build complex hierarchies in a declarative manner:

fn main() {
extern crate fyrox;
use fyrox::{
    core::{algebra::Vector3, pool::Handle},
        base::BaseBuilder, camera::CameraBuilder, mesh::MeshBuilder, node::Node,
        sprite::SpriteBuilder, transform::TransformBuilder, Scene,

fn create_node(scene: &mut Scene) -> Handle<Node> {
            // Add some children nodes.
                // A staff...
                                .with_local_position(Vector3::new(0.5, 0.5, 1.0))
                .build(&mut scene.graph),
                // and a spell.
                                .with_local_position(Vector3::new(-0.5, 0.5, 1.0))
                .build(&mut scene.graph),
                    .with_local_position(Vector3::new(2.0, 0.0, 3.0))
    .build(&mut scene.graph)

This code snippet creates a camera for first-person role-playing game's player, it will have a staff in "right-hand" and a spell in the left hand. Of course all of this is very simplified, but should give you the main idea. Note that staff and fireball will be children nodes of camera, and when setting their transform, we're actually setting local transform which means that the transform will be relative to camera's. The staff and the spell will move together with the camera.

Adding a node manually

For some rare cases you may also want to delay adding a node to the graph, specifically for that purpose, every node builder has .build_node method which creates an instance of Node but does not add it to the graph.

fn main() {
extern crate fyrox;
use fyrox::{
    scene::{base::BaseBuilder, camera::CameraBuilder, node::Node, Scene},

fn create_node(scene: &mut Scene) -> Handle<Node> {
    let node: Node = CameraBuilder::new(BaseBuilder::new()).build_node();

    // We must explicitly add the node to the graph.

How to modify the hierarchy

For many cases you can't use builders to create complex hierarchy, the simplest example of such situation when you're creating an instance of some 3D model. If you want the instance to be a child object of some other object, you should attach it explicitly by using graph.link_nodes(..):

fn main() {
extern crate fyrox;
use fyrox::{
    core::{futures::executor::block_on, pool::Handle},
    asset::manager::ResourceManager, resource::model::{Model, ModelResourceExtension},
    scene::{base::BaseBuilder, camera::CameraBuilder, node::Node, Scene},

fn link_weapon_to_camera(
    scene: &mut Scene,
    camera: Handle<Node>,
    resource_manager: ResourceManager,
) {
    let weapon = block_on(
            .request::<Model, _>("path/to/weapon.fbx"),

    // Link weapon to the camera.
    scene.graph.link_nodes(weapon, camera);

Here we've loaded a weapon 3D model, instantiated it on scene and attached to existing camera.

How to remove nodes

A node could be removed by simply calling graph.remove_node(handle), this method removes the node from the graph with all of its children nodes. Sometimes this is unwanted behaviour, and you want to preserve children nodes while deleting parent node. To do that, you need to explicitly detach children nodes of the node you're about to delete:

fn main() {
extern crate fyrox;
use fyrox::{
    scene::{node::Node, Scene},

fn remove_preserve_children(scene: &mut Scene, node_to_remove: Handle<Node>) {
    for child in scene.graph[node_to_remove].children().to_vec() {


After calling this function, every child node of node_to_remove will be detached from it and the node_to_remove will be deleted. remove_node has some limitations: it cannot be used to extract "sub-graph" from the graph, it just drops nodes immediately.