
Terrain is a scene node that represents uniform grid of cells where each cell can have different height. Other, commonly known name for terrain is heightmap. Terrains used to create maps for open-world games, it is used to create hills, mountains, plateau, roads, etc.


Basic concepts

There are few basic concepts that you should understand before trying to use terrains. This will help you to understand design decisions and potential use cases.


As it was already mentioned, terrain is a uniform grid where X and Z coordinates of cells have fixed values, while Y can change. In this case we can store only width, height and resolution numerical parameters to calculate X and Z coordinates, while Y is stored in a separate array which is then used to modify heights of cells. Such array is called heightmap.

terrain mesh


Layer is a material + mask applied to terrain's mesh. Mask is a separate, greyscale texture that defines in which parts of the terrain the material should be visible or not. White pixels in the mask makes the material to be visible, black - completely transparent, everything between helps you to create smooth transitions between layers. Here's a simple example of multiple layers:

terrain layers layout

There are 3 layers: 1 - dirt, 2 - grass, 3 - rocks and grass. As you can see, there are smooth transitions between each layer, it is achieved by layer's mask.

Each layer uses separate material, which can be edited from respective property editor in the Inspector:

terrain layer material

Creating terrain in the editor

You can create a terrain node by clicking Create -> Terrain. It will create a terrain with fixed width, height, and resolution (see limitations). Once the terrain is created, select it in the World Viewer and click on Hill icon on the toolbar. This will enable terrain editing, brush options panel should also appear. See the picture below with all the steps:

terrain editing

The green rectangle on the terrain under the cursor represents current brush. You can edit brush options in the Brush Options window:

brush options

You can select a shape (either circle or rectangle with configurable size) and a mode (either modify the height map, or draw on mask of specific layer).

When editing terrain's height, left mouse button raises height map, but if Shift key is pressed it lowers it instead. Something similar is applied to the mask editing - left mouse button draws, but if hold Shift - it will erase mask content.

Creating terrain from code

Terrain can always be created from code, here's comprehensive example of how to create and modify terrain from code:

fn main() {
extern crate fyrox;
use fyrox::{
        algebra::Vector2, algebra::Vector3, parking_lot::Mutex, pool::Handle,
    asset::manager::ResourceManager, resource::texture::Texture,
    material::{shader::SamplerFallback, Material, PropertyValue, SharedMaterial},
    rand::{thread_rng, Rng},
        terrain::{Brush, BrushMode, BrushShape, Layer, TerrainBuilder},
use std::sync::Arc;

fn setup_layer_material(
    material: &mut Material,
    resource_manager: ResourceManager,
    diffuse_texture: &str,
    normal_texture: &str,
) {
            PropertyValue::Sampler {
                value: Some(resource_manager.request::<Texture, _>(diffuse_texture)),
                fallback: SamplerFallback::White,
            PropertyValue::Sampler {
                value: Some(resource_manager.request::<Texture, _>(normal_texture)),
                fallback: SamplerFallback::Normal,
            PropertyValue::Vector2(Vector2::new(10.0, 10.0)),

fn create_random_two_layer_terrain(graph: &mut Graph, resource_manager: &ResourceManager) -> Handle<Node> {
    let terrain = TerrainBuilder::new(BaseBuilder::new())
            Layer {
                material: {
                    let mut material = Material::standard_terrain();
                        &mut material,
                .. Default::default()
            Layer {
                material: {
                    let mut material = Material::standard_terrain();
                        &mut material,
                .. Default::default()

    let terrain_ref = graph[terrain].as_terrain_mut();

    // Draw something on the terrain.
    for _ in 0..60 {
        let x = thread_rng().gen_range(4.0..60.00);
        let z = thread_rng().gen_range(4.0..60.00);
        let radius = thread_rng().gen_range(2.0..4.0);
        let height = thread_rng().gen_range(1.0..3.0);

        // Pull terrain.
        terrain_ref.draw(&Brush {
            center: Vector3::new(x, 0.0, z),
            shape: BrushShape::Circle { radius },
            mode: BrushMode::ModifyHeightMap { amount: height },

        // Draw rock texture on top.
        terrain_ref.draw(&Brush {
            center: Vector3::new(x, 0.0, z),
            shape: BrushShape::Circle { radius },
            mode: BrushMode::DrawOnMask {
                layer: 1,
                alpha: 1.0,


As you can see there is quite a lot of code, ideally you should use editor all the times, because handling everything from code could be very tedious. The result of its execution (if all textures are set correctly) could be something like this (keep in mind that terrain will be random everytime you run the code):

terrain from code


By default, terrains does not have respective physical body and shape, it should be added manually. Create a static rigid body node with a collider with Heightmap shape (learn more about colliders). Then attach the terrain to the rigid body. Keep in mind that terrain's origin differs from Heightmap rigid body, so you need to offset the terrain to match its physical representation. Enable physics visualization in editor settings to see physical shapes and move terrain. Now to move the terrain you should move the body, instead of the terrain (because of parent-child relations).


Terrain rendering complexity have linear dependency with the amount of layers terrain have. Each layer forces the engine to re-render terrain's geometry with different textures and mask. Typical amount of layers is from 4 to 8. For example, a terrain could have the following layers: dirt, grass, rock, snow. This is a relatively lightweight scheme. In any case, you should measure frame time to understand how each new layer affects performance in your case.


Terrain itself does not define any geometry or rendering data, instead it uses one or more chunks for that purpose. Each chunk could be considered as a "sub-terrain". You can "stack" any amount of chunks from any side of the terrain. To do that, you define a range of chunks along each axis. This is very useful if you need to extend your terrain in a particular direction. Imagine that you've created a terrain with just one chunk (0..1 range on both axes), but suddenly you found that you need to extend the terrain to add some new game locations. In this case you can change the range of chunks at the desired axis. For instance, if you want to add a new location to the right from your single chunk, then you should change width_chunks range to 0..2 and leave length_chunks as is (0..1). This way terrain will be extended, and you can start shaping the new location.


Terrain has automatic LOD system, which means that the closest portions of it will be rendered with the highest possible quality (defined by the resolution of height map and masks), while the furthest portions will be rendered with the lowest quality. This effectively balances GPU load and allows you to render huge terrains with low overhead.

The main parameter that affects LOD system is block_size (Terrain::set_block_size), which defines size of the patch that will be used for rendering. It is used to divide the size of the height map into a fixed set of blocks using quad-tree algorithm.

Current implementation uses modified version of CDLOD algorithm without patch morphing. Apparently it is not needed, since bilinear filtration in vertex shader prevents seams to occur.

Current implementation makes it possible to render huge terrains (64x64 km) with 4096x4096 heightmap resolution in about a millisecond on average low-to-middle-end GPU.

Limitations and known issues

There is no way to cut holes in the terrain yet, it makes impossible to create caves. There is also no way to create ledges, use separate meshes to imitate this. See tracking issue for more info.