Text Box

TextBox is a text widget that allows you to edit text and create specialized input fields. It has various options like word wrapping, text alignment, and so on.

How to create

An instance of the TextBox widget could be created like so:

fn main() {
fn create_text_box(ui: &mut UserInterface, text: &str) -> Handle<UiNode> {
        .build(&mut ui.build_ctx())

Text alignment and word wrapping

There are various text alignment options for both vertical and horizontal axes. Typical alignment values are: Left, Center, Right for horizontal axis, and Top, Center, Bottom for vertical axis. An instance of centered text could be created like so:

fn main() {
fn create_centered_text(ui: &mut UserInterface, text: &str) -> Handle<UiNode> {
        .build(&mut ui.build_ctx())

Long text is usually needs to wrap on available bounds, there are three possible options for word wrapping: NoWrap, Letter, Word. An instance of text with word-based wrapping could be created like so:

fn main() {
fn create_text_with_word_wrap(ui: &mut UserInterface, text: &str) -> Handle<UiNode> {
        .build(&mut ui.build_ctx())

Fonts and colors

To set a color of the text just use .with_foreground(..) of the WidgetBuilder while building the text instance:

fn main() {
fn create_colored_text_box(ui: &mut UserInterface, text: &str) -> Handle<UiNode> {
    //                  vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
        .build(&mut ui.build_ctx())

By default, text is created with default font, however it is possible to set any custom font:

fn main() {
fn create_text_with_font(
    ui: &mut UserInterface,
    text: &str,
    resource_manager: &ResourceManager,
) -> Handle<UiNode> {
        // You can set any size as well.
        .build(&mut ui.build_ctx())

Please refer to Font chapter to learn more about fonts.


TextBox widget accepts the following list of messages:

  • TextBoxMessage::SelectionBrush - change the brush that is used to highlight selection.
  • TextBoxMessage::CaretBrush - changes the brush of the caret (small blinking vertical line).
  • TextBoxMessage::TextCommitMode - changes the text commit mode.
  • TextBoxMessage::Multiline - makes the TextBox either multiline (true) or single line (false)
  • TextBoxMessage::Editable - enables or disables editing of the text.

Important: Please keep in mind, that TextBox widget also accepts Text widget messages. An example of changing text at runtime could be something like this:

fn main() {
fn request_change_text(ui: &UserInterface, text_box_widget_handle: Handle<UiNode>, text: &str) {

Please keep in mind, that like any other situation when you "changing" something via messages, you should remember that the change is not immediate. The change will be applied on ui.poll_message(..) call somewhere in your code (or will be done automatically if you're using scripts or Framework (obsolete)).


There are number of default shortcuts that can be used to speed up text editing:

  • Ctrl+A - select all
  • Ctrl+C - copy selected text
  • Ctrl+V - paste text from clipboard
  • Ctrl+Home - move caret to the beginning of the text
  • Ctrl+End - move caret to the beginning of the text
  • Shift+Home - select everything from current caret position until the beginning of current line
  • Shift+End - select everything from current caret position until the end of current line
  • Arrows - move caret accordingly
  • Delete - deletes next character
  • Backspace - deletes previous character
  • Enter - new line (if multiline mode is set) or commit message

Multiline Text Box

By default, text box will not add new line character to the text if you press Enter on keyboard. To enable this functionality use .with_multiline(true)

Read-only Mode

You can enable or disable content editing by using read-only mode. Use .with_readonly at build stage.

Mask Character

You can specify replacement character for every other characters, this is useful option for password fields. Use .with_mask_char at build stage. For example, you can set replacement character to asterisk * using .with_mask_char(Some('*'))

Text Commit Mode

In many situations you don't need the text box to send new text message every new character, you either want this message if Enter key is pressed or TextBox has lost keyboard focus (or both). There is with_text_commit_mode on builder specifically for that purpose. Use one of the following modes:

  • TextCommitMode::Immediate - text box will immediately send Text message after any change.
  • TextCommitMode::LostFocus - text box will send Text message only when it loses focus.
  • TextCommitMode::LostFocusPlusEnter - text box will send Text message when it loses focus or if Enter key was pressed. This is default behavior. In case of multiline text box hitting Enter key won't commit text!


It is possible specify custom input filter, it can be useful if you're creating special input fields like numerical or phone number. A filter can be specified at build stage like so:

fn main() {
fn create_text_box_with_filter(ui: &mut UserInterface) -> Handle<UiNode> {
        // Specify a filter that will pass only digits.
        .with_filter(Arc::new(Mutex::new(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit())))
        .build(&mut ui.build_ctx())


You can change brush of caret by using .with_caret_brush and also selection brush by using .with_selection_brush, it could be useful if you don't like default colors.