Window Management

This chapter of the book explains how to manage the main application window and its related parts.

⚠️ Main window exists only if there's a graphics context. That's why the following examples checks for a graphics context to be available. Graphics context could be missing if you're using the engine in "headless" mode (could be useful for game servers) or on some platforms (such as Android) that support application suspension.


Setting a title is very easy to do:

fn main() {
        if let GraphicsContext::Initialized(ref graphics_context) = ctx.graphics_context {
            graphics_context.window.set_title("My Awesome Game");


This section contains the code for the most common use cases of the mouse cursor.

Show or Hide

You can show or hide the mouse cursor using the following code:

fn main() {
        // Hide the cursor if the window exists.
        if let GraphicsContext::Initialized(ref graphics_context) = ctx.graphics_context {

Lock Inside Window

It is possible to lock the mouse cursor in the window bounds. You can do it using the set_cursor_grab method if the main window:

fn main() {
        if let GraphicsContext::Initialized(ref graphics_context) = ctx.graphics_context {
                // Use one of the following here: None, Confined, Locked. See the API docs for
                // CursorGrabMode for more info.

Fullscreen Mode

fn main() {
        if let GraphicsContext::Initialized(ref graphics_context) = ctx.graphics_context {
            // Option 1: Use borderless non-exclusive full screen mode.

            // Option 2: Use true exclusive full screen mode.
            if let Some(monitor) = graphics_context.window.current_monitor() {
                if let Some(first_avilable_video_mode) = monitor.video_modes().next() {